
TTK leak detection history

Dear Customer,

Thank you for choosing TTK for your leak detection solution. We strive to provide the best possible service to all our clients and receiving customer feedback ensures we can continue to offer the high level of customer satisfaction that has come to be associated with the TTK name. With this in mind, we would like to ask you to take a few minutes to tell us about your experience in dealing with our team recently.


(Our privacy policy)

Pour vous contacter en cas de besoin

Cocher une case en fonction de votre satisfaction Très satisfait Satisfait Plutôt satisfait Non satisfait Sans avis

First impressions from initial contact
Quality of exchanges and responses
Timeliness of providing quotation
Suitability of proposal to meet your needs
Availability and responsiveness of TTK contact point

Deadline compliance
Compliance with the delivery instructions
Respect of your contractual requirements
Quality of service supplied by technicians
Clarity of documents

Quality of the products
Product packaging
Quality of after sales service

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with TTK?

(à préciser dans les commentaires)

Inscrivez-vous avec votre adresse e-mail professionnel pour recevoir nos d'information contenant nos nouveautés, des études de projets, des informations sur la détection de fuites d'eau et d’hydrocarbures, et bien plus encore!